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Мы не разрабатываем программное обеспечение, мы делаем Ваш проект лидером рынка, за счет IT-решений.
Мы практикуем гибкие финансовые методы оплаты и снижаем финансовую нагрузку на ваш проект за счет рассрочки платежей и поэтапной оплаты.
Получите передовую команду разработки с полным сопровождением по цене оклада одного программиста в месяц.
Система FinBook - простая в настройке и использовании система управленческого учета и финансовой отчетности в соответствии с международными стандартами. Доступ к системе осуществляется через Интернет, данные хранятся в надежных зарубежных дата-центрах. Возможность интеграции с системами 1С. Не требует первоначальных вложений, оплата производится ежемесячно.
Ссылка на проект — www.finbook.com
Было:Идея создать аналог американского сервиса банковского факторинга.
Стало:Разработана полноценная система со множеством вспомогательных модулей, на данный момент обслуживание более 400 предприятий.
Система постоянно развивается.
Ссылка на проект — vgfinancing.com
Существует с 1931 года, организация более 1500 концертов в год с ведущими артистами эстрады России и СНГ.
Было:Печатная билетная книга, сложная система подсчета и продажи билетов, завязанная на человеческом факторе.
Стало:Создали умную информационную систему онлайн бронирования и продажи билетов, схему рассадки и привязки к событиям. Интегрировали государственную политику продажи билетов.
Ссылка на проект — www.mosconcert.com
Веб-интерфейс базы данных всех жуков планеты.
Было: Отсутствие системы хранения, сравнения и анализа данных. База данных в Access, подход «прошлого века».
Стало: Функционирующая база данных с колоссальным объемом инструментов для анализа и выдвижения научных гипотез. Получение финансового гранта от немецкой ассоциации Deutsche Forschungsgemeinnschaft.
Ссылка на проект — ecotax
Entities created in system have sharp correlations which allow saving data integrity while deleting entries.
There is no point to worry that because of mistakenly deleting some kind of information by user the large volume of linked data will be irrevocably destroyed. All deletions are fulfilled in few stages, but complete physical deletion can be done only by system administrator.
Allows rolling back system data not only fully but also partially (all significant operations remain saved).
Rollback happens in such a way that all linked data is brought to initial (saved) condition, but all other data remain untouched.
This ensures to correct logical user’s mistakes safely, without erasing/destroying the work of other system users.
Core G.CORE is planned and developed in such a way, that neither developers nor external entities have access and necessity to interact with data base directly.
All operations with data base are working according to beforehand written safe algorithms. Apart from data base, core’s architecture involves strict development standards that considerably reduce probability of mistake.
Majority of logical mistakes, which developer can make, are tracked by system. Interoperation between client and server parts is also strongly standardized.
In core there is smart accesses distribution system by default. There is function to limit or provide access to each table, forms, menu points, and also to each operation.
Besides that there is also distribution of users by Company / Departments / Departments with capability to limit / provide access to data of certain companies only (both for viewing and correcting).
Facility of downloading and safe storage of files is provided in system.
This can be agreements, acts, scans of documents or just photos (depends on specific developed product), to view or download these files will be able to do only those who was granted with access.
Reliable connection of client and server parts with automatic re-routing in case of internet disconnection is achieved with the help of WebSocket protocol
This protocol not only ensures reliability, but also gives opportunity to server to send any information on client (for example, notifications), without waiting for his request. This helps to make different interactive modules in ready product, flex. in chat.
In core there is special module of generating reports, which ensures quick and convenient collection of any data from system, in any form and with any filters.
Process of creating new reports includes creation of a template.
Separate version of core is designated for site development. As majority of CMS it allows easy development of site, but along with that has all advantages of basic version of the core: reliability, readability, safety, interactivity.
Also, integration with basic system is already built-in, that allows receiving data from it and saving them.
Each entity (f.ex., “Orders”) can have any quantity of echoing in system in shape of tables and forms.
Each table and form can be fixed straightly from system. Practically everything can be set up: Which columns to show/ hide, in which sequence they will be situated, ability to edit the field, which editor (text /dropdown lists /dates/...) to select for each column, to search by this field while data input into prompt search, to output filter, how many entries to output in table by default, which heading this table/form will have, to allow or forbid to add/edit/delete entries.
And many many others.
Data from any table can be uploaded into EXCEL.
Prior to upload any available filters can be used. There is mechanism of data import from EXCEL, however small development is required for each task, so that to set up module template under particular format of uploaded data.
In the core there is module providing API to methods of system, the set and access level of these methods is defined by developer.
Format of API requests and answers same as in entire system - standardized. There is module, where developer can easily describe written methods for putting them into documentation and provision to non-affiliated companies.
Methods are fulfilled according to API under particular users and their actions are also logged inside the system, same as activities of normal users. It is possible to limit access for fulfillment of some methods, as well as for normal users.
Interface of system is standardized. Interface incorporated our years-long experience of developing user interfaces, and its elements are well planned.
System involves opportunity of both light branding and also cardinal changes of entire system appearance.
System is written on NodeJS and constantly uploaded in the server’s memory. This helps to cash (save in operative memory) many system data and user’s data and this positively affects the speed of processing client requests by server.
Besides, NodeJS maintains multithreading and this ensures to use server’s resources to maximum effect. If project is growing into high-load, then it is sufficient to just increase server’s resources.
For very high-load projects involving of several servers is planned. Technologies under use help to do that, and development will not take much time.